Feeling exhausted after Christmas? Try these 4 relaxation methods


 Unless you had your Christmas Day celebratory meal catered for and a baby sitter lined up to take care of all the kids while the adults chilled out, then you are among millions of Kenyans who had a long Christmas day.

25th began with either preparing the family to go and celebrate at a second location- the hardest part being getting the kids ready, a party host preparing all the ingredients for preparing the meals, butchers killing animals for roasting, stewing and frying, cleaning up spaces where tens of Christmas guests would be gathering- all this with all the after party cleaning up that would need to be done.

Truly a long day, but not one without merry making.

Like millions, if you found yourself exhausted from celebrating Christmas day- whether you just sat around and ate, spent it socializing and running out your social battery, playing games with both kids and adults or even over eating, then 26th is the day for you to unwind if you had no post-Christmas plans lined up.

Here are some relaxation methods you can use to relax and unwind; and recharge ahead of New Year parties:

  1. Movies/music and chill. There is no harm done in deciding to be a couch potato for a number of hours as you get lost in good movies and music. This will help you shift your focus from an overdrive of Christmas activities to unwinding and physically relaxing especially if you were the errands person as others hang around at the Christmas party.
  2. Treat yourself to a spa day. During this time, you can have a long soak in a warm bath, meditate and have massages to ‘undo’ your body after a long day of socializing and merry making. This will help your muscles relax and provide a peaceful environment for your mind to destress and relax too.
  3. Set up aromatherapy diffusers in your home. They vary in price with the diffuser going for between Sh 1000 to Sh 2,500. Aromatherapy oils like lavender, chamomile and sandalwood cost about Sh 250 for a small bottle. Add a few drops of the oil to water in the diffuser- or even in your warm bath water- and allow it to diffuse into the air. Aromatherapy is known to have a calming effect on the body. Filling up your spaces with these scents will help you relax much faster than actually forcing yourself to relax and think about nothing.
  4. Switch off your devices for a few hours and focus on being present in the physical world. Do a few light exercises, go for a leisure walk in the neighborhood or even do yoga in your living room. This way, you will release feel good hormones into your system that will allow you to feel better after a long Christmas day.
By Winnie Mabel

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