Andrew Kibe painfully narrates how he lost millions after being cancelled by YouTube



Former radio host Andrew Kibe has recounted how he lost millions after being cancelled by YouTube.

Appearing on the Iko Nini Podcast, Kibe alleged that his suspension from YouTube was targeted and could not be justified.

According to Kibe, his channel was pulled down when he had only one strike that was even about to expire.

“YouTube gives you money when you play by their rules…but for me, the freedom to be able to create content is supreme and it doesn’t matter the amount of money someone is paying me.

We cannot put a figure on freedom … I did not do anything wrong. I had over 3, 000 videos on YouTube and I had only one copyright strike when they pulled down my channel. And they did not just pull down one channel, they pulled down all my channels, the ones that were monetized and un-monetized,” Andrew Kibe mentioned.

The YouTuber went on to defend himself saying he did not do anything wrong to deserve the punishment.

“It wasn’t because I said something; it was because it was a targeted attack. It was somebody so powerful.   

I only had one copyright strike that was expiring in like a week…I’m the person who had the most YouTube videos as a Kenyan and then they came for channels that did not even have that content. It was a targeted strike,” Kibe added, 

At the same time,  Mwafrika mentioned that Kibe was among the highest-paid Kenyans on YouTube.

He mentioned that Kibe needed to change how he delivered his content to avoid being punished.

Before being suspended from YouTube Kibe was making at least Sh1.6 million from the platform monthly.


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