A Kenyatta University student, Munuke Nkumira, has thanked Kenyans who contributed after he aired his plight online. Munuke Nkumira with his uncle and aunt (l). Photo of an aeroplane (r). Nkumira had previously shared his plight via the X app, revealing that he and his uncle were thrown out of their house in Lucky Summer. The two had gone on with their daily activities when they returned to find that their landlady had disposed of their items. “My uncle went on his usual hustle, and I went to school. When we came back, we found out things were thrown outside the gate. The landlady had threatened to lock out the house, but I didn’t think she would go this far.” How did KU student Munuke Nkumira find help? Kenyans on the X app came through for the young family, and they moved into a new house. He talked about their new apartment in an exclusive with TUKO.co.ke. He said: “We have moved into a one bedroom. We used to stay in a two-bedroom house and I’m really grateful to everyone who has come through for us.” Things are looking up for Nkumira as his uncle got a job offer in Nairobi. The young man also got a job offer abroad, and a well-wisher helped him pay for his passport. He added: “There is this agency, and this guy is from Telegram; he paid for my passport. He linked me with a job in Qatar. There are a lot of companies, and he is there too. I am not too sure about the transport. When I get my passport, we can see what happens. If my passport delays, that opportunity might pass me by… My uncle also got a job as a shop attendant.”
by Patricia Tonui