KURA embarks on rehabilitation of Kitengela old Namanga road



Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) has embarked on rehabilitation of Kitengela Old Namanga road.
This following a prolonged outcry over the pathetic state of the road.
The dusty, bumpy 9km road connects to several schools and populous estates is usually impassable during the rainy season.
During dry seasons billowing dust characterises the road.
Motorists and road users have severally protested over the poor state of the road, prone to freak accidents and heavy snarl up during peak hours.
Public vehicles no longer ply the route citing unsustainable vehicle breakdowns.
Kura has set Ksh64 Million to upgrade 1km of the road bitumen tarmac and 8kms set to be murramed and rehabilitated twice a year.
Speaking during a public participation forum held at Kitengela, Kura engineers pledged that the authority has committed to maintain the road and gradually extend the tarmacking.
Kajiado East MP Kakuta Maimai has called out those who have encroached  on the road to voluntarily move out to facilitate the road construction and rehabilitation.
During the public participation, locals demanded to be given jobs and material sourced locally. They also took issue with what they termed as meagre allocation after years of suffering.Some want the road plan to be revised to avoid “road encroachers”
They also urged Kura to ensure proper signages are  strategically placed to avert accidents and confusion.
They also demanded value for tax payers money insisting on quality work.
The construction works have since commenced and will take six months to completion

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