Just as Emmacuilate Mwongeli was starting to enjoy the gift of her sweet angel, Loice, the little baby was diagnosed with a heart disease. Esther Mwongeli, who needs KSh 1.5 million for her baby.What is congenital heart abnormalities? According to Mwongeli, Loice suffers from congenital heart abnormalities and needs urgent surgery to rectify the situation, or he could die. Speaking to TUKO.co.ke, Mwongeli said she gave birth to a healthy baby who was 3.1 kgs and during her first clinic, after six weeks, she had added some kilograms. “The problem started with her second visit; I was told to breastfeed her well and the kind of food to eat so that IU could get more milk to breastfeed her,” said Mwongeli. “I did all that but she never added weight; and they started blamimg me for not breastfeeding my baby the correct way. I started feeding her at six months and she added weight. When she was seven months we asked to see a nutritionist because she was underweight,” added Mwongeli. It was the nutritionist who noticed that her breathing was off and very fast; asked us to look for a paedetrician.
The latter asked us to look for a cardiologist, who said the baby has two holes in the heart and one was extra large. According to the Mayo Clinic, a congenital heart defect is a problem with the structure of the heart that a child is born with. Loice was supposed to undergo heart surgery at six months, but we couldn’t afford it, now she is almost nine months. Emmaculate Mwongeli with baby Loice. Why did it take Mwongeli 8 years to get baby? “I am stranded and scared of losing her. She’s my only child and it took us eight years to get her since I was battling hormonal imbalance and ovarian cysts. Please help I can’t afford to lose her,” said the distraught mum of two. “We have been to Msambweni Referral then Coast General and finally Mater Hospital, who said they can help her and the surgery will be KSh 1.5million. She’s getting worse each day…she is coughing and vomiting while at it. Loice sweats a lot, gets feverish and is quite breathless. I am asking for help to get surgery,” she added. For any help, you can find Mwongeli on: 0797 538111.
by Susan Mwenesi