All I’ve ever wanted in life is to grow up to be a real man, or at least die trying. But the universe had this way of punishing me all through my childhood. Better at book work than football; Politer than strong; more useful in the kitchen than in the workshop; and sometimes I even cry.
Men don’t cry, he believes. Not even six years olds on their first days of school. The pungent overbearing mist of machismo threatening to soak up all your sun and watch while your individuality withers away, there is no resisting, you must conform. Else, as the unwritten rule would have it, your father, your brother, uncle or any other of your acquaintance for that matter, must ensure you do. There isn’t much time; it must be done quickly to save the young man in training from irreversible damage. You can hear the time; it must be done quickly to save the young man in training from irreversible damage. You can hear the time ticking away; tick-tock-tick-tock-tick.
The first time I heard the ticking was the first day of primary school. That day I grappled with the evil of fear; another emotion that threatens the successful transition of a boy into man hood. The days leading up to it weren’t bad Infect they were great. New clothes, New experiences, everything was going to be great, I turned a big man, gone to school most people will say, the praises were the best part. Then the stomach butterflies came bursting from cocoons leaving me a crying mess. What if no one likes me? I’m willing to try very hard. What if people laugh? These are all very serious things to think about. Do people know about this? Ten years later when I was 19nyears of age things had changed. The ticking has become faint and distant; I can almost ignore it now, Boy hood days had gone. I was the most confident bench warmer on the football team, king jester in all my classes, been in enough fights to have a reputation and the best part, I had a girlfriend. Cute with nice body, big breast and long legs, she was a full package, she was in love with me, she talked about me all the time and everyone would tell me about that. The only thing that was left was for me to seal the deal and make sure that I took care of that in a week.
The problem was in that week, she abruptly distanced herself. Together for a whole year we were together and now she hardly talked to me, I dint get to understand what was wrong. I went to check on her at her residence but she never wanted to see me, at one point she threatened to release their dogs to me, I was an intruder in their compound, I tried to call her but none of my calls were picked from the other side. My heart was in pain, she had torn it apart, I really loved her, how did she just decide to leave me, those are some of the questions that run in my mind without answers. Almost one whole year worth of a relationship and this is how she just wanted to treat me. I thought of dropping her like a bad habit, I talked to my father about it he said that women are equal to trouble, he said the girl I was dating just decided to dump me because she felt that she was too empowered more than I was. Something that I never came into agreement with, I had been with my girlfriend at collage and did the same course, how would she be thinking that way, perhaps we were equal, One day I got a rare call from her and she told me to meet her if I wanted to know why she decided to dump me,
I was ready to listen and explain my self, was it cheating? No I never dated another girl but her and her alone. By 2pm the same day I met her at a local restaurant in the out skirts of Nairobi, She categorically stated that she left me because I was a half a man, and that I had no characters of being called a man; she added that she wanted a man and not a boy. “No beards, Unbroken voice and non-muscular plus the size of your dick (Penis) too small that fits you not to be called a man”, she added as she left hurriedly and left me seated with no words in my mouth. I was ashamed, when I got home I decided to inform my big brother about it, he said too had noticed no manhood characteristics in me, he added that he had the solution to the problem, he had seen a posters about kiwanga doctors, advertised being able to control man hood characteristics, without hesitation, I logged in to their website and booked an appointment with them.
The following morning I met doctor kiwanga explained my problems and I was diagnosed, and placed under herbal medication for a day, two days thereafter I started to notice changes in my body, my voice had broken, beards started to grow and became masculine and the most important thing the size of my penis increased, I was very happy and the next thing I did was to video call my girlfriend and show her changes on my body, she was happy too and accepted me back. Credit to kiwanga doctors, I advise anyone with man hood related complications to visit kiwanga doctors for a solution they are fast and effective. They also deal in treating and healing of various illnesses like Pneumonia epilepsy and high blood pressure, they are also talented in casting powerful and genuine spells in the world like, Money spell, Love spell, and success spell among other spells.
For consultations call +254769404965 E-mail or visit the website
By Kiwanga Doctors.