We used to have a great family, a family that valued togetherness and loved each other. Every evening we could watch the sun set, watch the birds retiring to their nests and as small kids bid their last cherios before the night. I used to feel at home, not once, twice nor even thrice but forever. I had learned many things from my mum, I had learned to wear many faces like dresses, homeface, hostface, streetface and with all smiles.
Everything was great for years until things started to change. My mum got ill and my dad lost his job. That was the time when hardships hit our family. Everything came to a stop, no incomes, no daily meals like we used to have, no evening prayers like before, no family reunions, no family outs, no presents and gifts, just nothing.
Things changed and I couldn’t figure out what had happened. Months later my mother was discharged from the hospital but left a huge hospital bill of almost a million. On the other side my father used to get drunk day and night. He couldn’t even find himself something to eat. It was like alcohol had become his idol. Being the first born all this work was left for me. I couldn’t find time to continue with my studies so I dropped out to find something for the family and my small siblings.
How sad it was to become the family breadwinner at that time. Nothing on Earth held so cheap at a time. My sister would stand leaning at the door and look at me. I could feel her pain and sorrow. I wasn’t glad to be born at that family at that time. Everything was hard. I used to cry every night in my bed and press my teeth on my lips.
I bowed and knelt countless times and humble myself to God for something great, but nothing great was coming that particular time. Years passed and the situation worsened, my mum was so weak again and my dad wasn’t even coming home most of his days. They that were once like substance and shadow, and things were like parting that time.
I counted ribs on my mum’s concertina chest, bones protruding as if chiselled, it was like ploughing a bared land. She used to look at me with glazed pupils, her skin was pale and taut. I used to feel this pain everytime I looked at her.
May the sins of your birth be burned away, may your suffering decrease mum, may all this end and start a new life again, a life like we used to have. Let this misfortunes end. I used to pray. May the sum of this evil end, may the poison in your heart purify your soul ,don’t let the leaves wither mum. Just get well.
I would wake up at dawn to look for a job so I could get at least a plate for the family. Other times I would get, but some other nights we would sleep it all, because there wasn’t anything to eat. Dad had no job, I didn’t even know where where he got money to buy alcohol but I never cared because he wasn’t supportive at all with the little he had. At one point I had thought of letting my little sister marry so atleast we could get the dowry, but then I saw it as a ‘sell’ business.
Life was really hard and most of the times I thought of even committing suicide, but I couldn’t because I would leave young children behind. As I was crossing along one of the streets in my neighborhood I saw this poster of the Kiwanga doctors, I couldn’t ignore this call, maybe this was my last hope. I took my kabambe phone and dialed the number in the poster and after a little chit chat I started the journey to find my help.
It was two weeks after I received a medicine from the Kiwanga doctors when things started getting well. My mum was completely healed and my dad wasn’t drinking at all. In no less than two months everything had gone back to normal.
I advise anyone with any kind of problem to visit Kiwanga Doctors. Remember, no problem is too big to lack a solution. Kiwanga Doctors do a diagnosis on their clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others. They handle general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future and Many others.
The doctor also solves life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases.
For consultation Call: +254769404965 / E-mail: kiwangadoctors@gmail.com or visit the website www.kiwangadoctors.com
By Kiwanga Doctors