Denis Pasha married for 12 years
Speaking recently on her TikTok account and YouTube channel, the couple revealed the petty things they argued over that were propelled by lack of finances.
So petty were the arguments that her husband left their marital home multiple times.
Judy laughed about this in a two-part series where her husband remarked how he felt financial pressure coming from living a simple life to now having to fork up more money to maintain a family.
“Moving from a place where you pay 18k rent, to 45k, then there’s more units of electricity being consumed, things I was never used to, now I’m paying for water, service charge of 6k, so it was a lot. Ultimately costs of maintaining that house in as much as it was one of the most beautiful places.”

Judy was adamant that she needed to be provided for, explaining that in the end she was giving him so much pressure, something that was unhealthy for his mental health. She put it down to peer pressure.
“Wueh! Looking back, I never used to listen to him to understand or rather process where he is coming from or what he is trying to communicate. I mostly listened to respond or react, get mad, jump into self-defense when he raised concerns, act weirdly etc.. I lacked accountability and responsibility.”
He added; “We argued very badly, we disrespected one another, in front of neighbors, disregarding everybody, so that is an example of how you should not argue although sometimes emotions do overflow, sometimes when emotions take charge, all logic goes out of the window and now you go to the ghetto, mnaanza kupigana kiploti sasa,” he revealed.
He described how petty they became towards each other
“Tulichoma, we were arguing over the balcony, Infront of neighbors, shouting at each other. Hii mapenzi mtu asikudanganye, inakuwanga na drama.”
He added; “We used to argue even about sufurias, Ati who will go with the sufurias.”

He shared that is a lesson he learned; “Sometimes you might love something, but you can’t afford it, if you can’t afford it you get into debt, I was feeling the pressure.”
Judy agreed,
“We finally came to a common ground and I was able to see my husband’s vision. As much as he had been promoted and started earning well. As a man he was feeling we were living hand to mouth all because of living in a way too expensive house all from the pressure I was giving him. Coz his idea was to live in a decent neighborhood yes but at least an affordable one where we’d still have something remaining for saving and investing.”