Chief Justice David Maraga on Friday awarded the best performing courts in the country with Machakos High Court presided by Justice Pauline Nyamweya emerging the best.
The court cleared 583 cases during the 2016-2017 period.
Justice Jacqueline Kamau, sitting in Voi cleared 331 cases while Justice Mumbai Ngugi of the High Court in Kericho cleared 222 cases.
The Court of Appeal in Malindi was rated the best performing appellate court after reducing case backlog by 62 per cent. The court comprises Justices Alnashir Visram, Martha Koome and Wanjiru Karanja.
In the Employment and Labour court, Justice Stephen Radido of Nakuru was rated the best while Justice John Mutungi of Kisii was the best in the Environment and Land court. The Judge cleared 173 cases.
In Nairobi, Chief Magistrate Emily Ominde of Makadara law court was the best in the criminal matters clearing 19 per cent backlog.
Viola Yator of Tononoka magistrate court was rated the best in the children’s court.