Dramatic scenes unfolded in Westlands, Nairobi on Monday as a family accused a church operating under David Owuor’s Ministry of Holiness and Repentance of using their sister’s wealth to finance its activities.
The family claims that their sister Jane Njagi, who they say is a former partner at J M Njagi Advocates, has been unwell and does not remember much.
They accuse the Kings Outreach Church of taking away her properties.
They said they have not been able access their sister, except through her personal assistant.
Guards at the gate of Ms Njagi’s apartment on Rahpta Road, Westlands, kept the relatives away, claiming that she was asleep.
Her sister Alice Macharia told journalists that Ms Njagi has been under such heavy guard that she was even kept away from news of her mother’s death.
Her brother Duncan was allowed to give Ms Njagi the news, but only after he showed up with their mother’s obituary that was published in the newspaper.
A representative of the Kings Outreach Church, lawyer Kimani Watenga, told journalists at the scene that Ms Njagi is a bishop at the church and retired from her law practice to dedicate her life to the service of the church.
He also claimed that through prayers, Ms Njagi’s son was healed of dyslexia.
“As a thank you, Ms Njagi dedicated her Riverside Drive home to the church for Bible study,” he said.
But the family claims that the church took over the home and turned it into its head office. It was vacated last week.
Responding to the family, Mr Watenga said the church has no interest in Ms Njagi’s properties and will vacate premises on her orders.
Ms Njagi is said to be living in one of the apartments with Lily Muthoni Macharia, a member of the church. The family claims Ms Muthoni was appointed as a director of their sister’s property.
In her defence, Ms Muthoni told journalists that she noticed Ms Njagi was forgetful and took over her finances to keep her from being exploited. She claimed that she did it for free and in good faith.