JLo and Shakira: Female celebrities women look up to for ideal body


JLo and Shakira are the benjamin button of today. Did you know that the 50-year-old JLo is way hotter than the 20-year-old JLo? And she even acknowledges that. JLo and Shakira are the definition of ideal bodies for women today.

JLo feels stunning, confident and youthful and she is 50! she has looked after herself over the years. What she eats, how she works out and so forth. and tbh, it has worked out quite well for her.
The older she gets, the more confident she gets with her skin and body. She maintains a good diet and does strenuous workouts. JLo has an age-less physique that is what drives women towards wanting to know how she does it.
She gets eight hours of sleep and drinks alot of water. JLo does not drink coffee, alcohol or smoke anything, at all. She also maintains a high intake of vegetable. JL;o also regularly does yoga.

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Shakira maintains a good lifestyle too. She works out to maintain her hips. Not just for bikins but for her perfomances and fans. At 42, she has a flawless skin and the ideal hip for a 20 year old.
For any lady out there fighting to get ideal bodies like shakira and jlo, these are their secrets.
They eat healthy, they work out, they sleep for 8 to 10 hours, they do yoga and avoid drugs. and that includes coffee

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