ODM leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday said that President Uhuru Kenyatta would give direction on the Building Bridges Initiative.
The former Prime Minister said the BBI reggae was forced into half time after a devil from “above struck the country in the middle of the match.”
“It is you (Uhuru) who will say whatever we will do from here because nobody can stop reggae,” he said.
Raila said all BBI players have received necessary half time instructions and ‘massage’ and that they are ready to resume the play on the pitch.
“We were going to Nakuru lakini shetani ikaanguka kutoka huko juu reggae ikaenda kwa half time,” Raila said at the Gusii Stadium during the 11th Mashujaa day celebrations.
He added: “the halftime is over and the players have had a massage and the reggae is ready to start. It is you the President who will show us where to go from here.”
Raila said that after 56 years, Kenya was ready to chart a new direction that would enable the country to realise the dreams of the founding fathers.
“We need to look at what else that is missing so that Kenya can move forward as envisaged by our forefathers,” he said.
The remarks gave the clearest indication that the ball could now be on the President’s court to unveil the much-awaited BBI report.
The President is expected to receive the BBI report from the taskforce and unveil it anytime this week.
Raila said the BBI train has taken an abrupt stop after visiting six regions following the outbreak of Coronavirus in March.