A first-term MP from Western Kenya left his wife with serious injuries two weeks ago after a domestic fight. The woman is still receiving treatment in a city hospital. The fight ensued after the ever absent lawmaker discovered that his CDF employees had been going out with his wife, making merry without his knowledge. When he found out, the MP fired the employees and a contractor for intruding into his marriage before he bitterly beat the wife. It took the cries of his mother to stop it and take her to hospital. The matter has put the embattled legislator under even more pressure as his family tries to come to terms with the unfortunate events. It’s rumoured that the MP separated with his first wife under similar circumstances.
Did an aspirant disappear after it became apparent that academic qualifications will not be lowered for candidates in next year’s general election? Well, Corridors have been told that the moneyed politician who was eyeing a seat in one of the counties in the Western part of the country vanished immediately after the debate on degree requirement for all elective seats started. The politician, known for his deep pockets and philanthropy, no longer picks calls from his supporters who are now considering crossing over to their rival. Their man is said to have registered for evening classes in some city college.
Stung by a recent announcement by a senior Mt Kenya politician gunning for the presidency in next year’s polls, some politicians who thought the area was their birthright are now having sleepless nights. Our little bird says a caucus of top leaders and renowned business magnates from the larger Mt Kenya secretly met and went through the profiles of each leader from the region. When a SWOT analysis was conducted, the senior politician leading a critical arm of the government is said to have emerged as the soberest and safest pair of hands. Not even his nemeses could deny that the man possesses the right temperament, demeanour and disposition of mind among to take over the leadership of the region. Time seems to be slowly but surely separating real contenders for the kingpin of the mountain from pretenders to the throne.
Recently, we told you of an MP who threatened to walk out of his party after the outfit’s leader declined his quest for a direct nomination in the 2022 General Election. Well, it appears that the man is a master of walkouts going by the recent events at a House committee (Parliament pictured) where he is a member. The fellow walked out when an agency the committee had invited was about to give its presentation. His lamentation was that the state agency was a reason for some of his woes and thus couldn’t sit through a meeting where the agency is involved. BY THE STAR