Muslim leaders condemn Duale over ODM, Catholic church remarks



Muslim leaders have condemned Garissa Township MP Aden Duale’s remarks that the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is like the Roman Catholic Church.

The Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council (Kemnac), led by its chairman Sheikh Juma Ngao, said that Mr Duale’s remarks portrayed disrespect for other religions. 

“The Catholic Church is a religion and as Muslims we are taught to respect all the other religions. He said that Hon Raila Odinga is the pope and whatever he says every other member of the party must follow. This is where the problem is. The Catholic Church is a religion and we are taught to respect the other religions,” he said.

Speaking in Mombasa, Sheikh Ngao said comparing the political party to the Catholic Church would result in animosity between Muslims and Christians in the country.

During an interview on Wednesday, Mr Duale said that “ODM is a cult where nobody can speak and is like the Catholic Church with its own structures and a pope”.

But Sheikh Ngao put Mr Duale on the spot, saying that politics does not always mean that a politician must insult someone when they speak. 

“It is about talking wisely without hurting anyone. So, getting a politician who even insults another religion is wrong. Let Duale not use religion where it is not supposed to be mentioned,” he said.

Sheik Amiri Banda warned that Mr Duale’s remarks could provoke violence.

“Mr Duale, we know that you are a good leader and you are a Muslim.  But you have to control your tongue. There are so many good things you say but end up spoiling [them] with offensive words at the end. First, you have insulted a person and a whole religion,” said Sheikh Banda.

He also said Mr Duale had previously spoken ill of the Chief Kadhi, a highly respected person in the Muslim community and in Kenya.

Sheikh Abubakar Amin said that Mr Duale and other politicians have to think about the repercussions of their statements whenever they speak.

“You have to think about the repercussions. We live as a peaceful family and your words may provoke violence,” he said.

Defending himself in a tweet on Thursday after his statement created an uproar online, Mr Duale said his remarks were about the ODM party and not the Catholic Church.

At the same time, Muslim leaders want Muslims who qualify for the position of Chief Kadhi to present their nominations for the position to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Mr Ngao said a proper panel will be set up to verify and shortlist interested candidates transparently.

“We want every learned Muslim from all the 47 counties to apply for the position. We would like it to be officially announced and the applicants shortlisted, interviewed…it is a transparent process where we will have the final Chief Kadhi and his deputy,” he said.

He said the council has already received an approval letter from JSC to allow it to spearhead the appointment process.

The Chief Kadhi’s term is about to come to an end, even as a section of Muslim leaders said that women are not and should not vie for the position.    BY DAILY NATION    

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