Kinoti congratulates eight detectives after graduating in media production



Eight detectives have been conferred with certificates in advanced media production, at a colourful ceremony held at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication in Nairobi.

The eight are based at DCI’s Corporate Communication and Public Affairs unit.

The ceremony presided over by the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti and was a culmination of an intensive media training programme.

The ceremony presided over by the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti.

The ceremony presided over by the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti.
Image: DCI

“The course offered at the country’s premier media training institution, was also aimed at exposing the detectives to the latest media technological trends, in order to align them within the contemporary communication demands of time,” Kinoti said.

Kinoti said communication was at the core of the mandate of any serious investigative jurisdiction.

“This is the first time that the National Police Service and DCI in particular has offered professional training to police journalists and it exemplifies the importance that DCI attaches to effective communication,” he said.

He said this was to bridge the gap that has for a long time existed between the police and the public.

DCI Director George Kinoti noted that communication was at the core of the mandate of any serious investigative jurisdiction.

DCI Director George Kinoti noted that communication was at the core of the mandate of any serious investigative jurisdiction.
Image: DCI

“…it is a crucial tool that the DCI is exploiting today, to pass our message to victims of crime and criminals as well,” he said.

KIMC director Hiram Mucheke, lauded the Directorate for appreciating the need to train communication practitioners within its ranks.

He noted that from his many years of experience as a journalist, police and the media have not been known to enjoy cordial relations.

Mucheke, challenged the officers to practice the skills that they had acquired, in assisting the Directorate improve the public safety and security services it offers to Kenyans.

In recent months, the directorate’s Twitter account has become some of the most interesting reading in Kenya with the DCI describing scenarios in a movie like cinema.     BY THE STAR   

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