What we would never do due to peer pressure – KOT (List)



Since time immemorial, peer pressure has been cited as one of the reasons why young people find themselves doing things they shouldn’t.

People find themselves in jail, and lose family and friends just because they did things their peers told them would make them look or feel cool.

In modern-day, things like getting loads of tattoos, piercing and abusing drugs are some of the things young people do due to peer pressure.

We asked our online community to list things they wouldn’t find themselves doing just because they have been pressured by society and some of the answers they gave are quite interesting.

Pamie Joyce: getting married at my age or having kids let me focus on my future first

Suezan Njeri: Kubuy crocs izo pesa Wacha nikule mtura

Den: Kuwatch squid game

Emilia Spencer; Kuzaa na siko ready

Lyonn: Date a married man

Olivia: Kusave

Lorna Maingi: Watching money heist and Tattoo

Iam Edmond:Weed ziii

Shi mbadarius: Kuhama kwetu

Stephanie Shantell: Going back to my ex

Duncan: Drinking alcohol,smoking Noo

King Africana: Kufanya challenge either in TikTok or insta

Loviee: Kuvaa biker shorts

Essie Kim: Kutoboa kwa pua

Lucy Gikunju: Piercing NEVER EVER

Pesh Mwabili: Watching cartoon and animations.    BY KISS 100

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