It is always a heated one when I have a conversation with an uncircumcised man. I have campaigned against Female Genital Mutilation for years, so I often get people asking me “why don’t you speak out for men too?” Well, to justify why I don’t focus on men, the world is clearly divided on this topic.
Circumcision has been practiced in many cultures for centuries. It is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin, commonly performed from childbirth to puberty but also extended to adulthood. When you ask most men why they went through the procedure, there is often no solid reason. Most do it because others have undergone it.
Now, let’s make this clear… Circumcision is not essential for a man to be healthy, so there is no need for pressure to make this decision. Circumcision is common for many reasons ranging from religious beliefs to health benefits. In many communities, it is a rite of passage from boyhood to adulthood – a source of pride and a sign of strength.
Exploring the different views on circumcision can be an eye-opening exercise. There are the undecided who would like to learn more about its pros and cons. There is no single right answer; each person’s opinion depends on their beliefs and values.
Possible risks
Circumcision, as a surgical procedure, may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and improved hygiene. It may also reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. While there are many potential benefits to it, there are possible risks. Complications can include bleeding, infection, and pain. In rare cases, there is a risk of damage to the male genitalia and even loss of function. It is important to assess the risks and potential benefits before making that decision.
Respect for personal choice on circumcision is a fundamental principle that should be embraced. Everyone has their opinions and ideas, and those should be respected and valued even if it differs from the majority.
Age and choice should be considered as some men feel violated by being circumcised as infants.
The barbaric, inhumane acts of men’s forceful circumcision in public, and the shaming of high school boys, forcing them to shower at 3am to avoid ridicule, should stop.
We should create an environment where everyone’s choices and values are accepted and respected. Not all men want to be circumcised and that’s perfectly fine. It’s a sensitive issue and many men are uncomfortable discussing it due to the stigma around it. Let’s end the stigma! Let’s open the floor for dialogue! BY DAILY NATION