Radio presenter Mike Mondo has questioned what criteria Kenyan men use when dating single mothers.
According to Mwalimu King’ang’i, most men prefer dating a single mother who has a daughter as compared to those with baby boys.
Mike says he has in the past dated a single mum to a boy adding that the experience was amazing
“I love single mothers.
They are the most focused and self-driven individuals you can find in this Nairobi
Does it matter whether
I have dated a single mother before, she had a boy and it was an amazing relationship.
Such women are very aligned and focused. I don’t think it matters whether a woman has a boy or a girl.”
It should not matter.
Mwalimu King’ang’i was not convinced.
“They are wonderful but that boy will one day go back and look for his dad.
Most men fear this a lot, when they are dating they put this at the back of their mind.
Boys will always want to know where they got their character and who there dad is.”