Pastor Ezekiel Odero Says Ready To Tell Truth On Relationship With Cult Leader Paul Mackenzie



Controversial Pastor Ezekiel Odero has said he is ready to spill the beans concerning his alleged involvement with fellow preacher Paul Mackenzie over starvation cult in Shakahola, Kilifi County.

Pastor Odero has been invited before the Senate Ad Hoc committee investigating the proliferation of religious organizations in Kenya.

“I believe this only time that the church can defend the cross.This is not about me, it is about the Gospel. Today is a day that we talk about what happened, and the future of the Gospel; there is a generation waiting for us tomorrow,”he said outside Parliament Buildings.

The New Life Prayer Centre Church pastor was accompanied by his lawyers Danstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta.

Omari assured that the truth will be revealed on the Shakahola massacre intimating that Pastor Odero will be absolved from all accusations.

“The DCI and the IG will also be in Senate, so today is a big day; all the stakeholders, those real actors in Shakahola like Mackenzie, and those actors being dragged there like Pastor Ezekiel and yet he has nothing to do with Shakahola, have their day and Kenyans to see the difference,”he said.     BY CAPITAL NEWS   

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