In a Gazette notice Wednesday March 19, the information provided indicated this only applies to first time applicants.
“Today marks a historic moment as Kenyans who attain the age of 18 and above can now apply for identity cards free of charge. Following H.E. President Ruto’s declaration, I officially launched the National Mobile Registration Outreach Programme in Nakuru County today. In line with this directive, I issued a Gazette Notice amending Gazette Notice No. 15495/2023, revising the Kes 300 for first-time applicants. This is a crucial step in ensuring that every Kenyan has access to this essential service. To streamline the Identity Card issuance process, we are scrapping the Kes 500 vetting of document fees.”
The Head of State directed that Kenyans aged 18 and above be issued National Identification (ID) cards free of charge.
The directive reverses a previously gazetted fee hike, which had increased the cost of obtaining an ID for first-time applicants from Sh100 to Sh300 in 2024.
Speaking in Kibra Constituency during his fourth-day tour of Nairobi County, President Ruto said the move aims to ensure that as many Kenyans as possible secure identification documents.
Ruto’s order comes soon after he lifted the vetting requirement for ID applicants in the Northeastern region. Last month, the President directed that Kenyans in Northeastern be issued IDs without the previously stringent vetting process, which he described as discriminatory.

Book an appointment. by clicking here.
Also to note is that hours of operation have been extended in 18 Huduma Centres Monday to Friday 7AM to 7Pm.
•Above 18 years
Requirements for proof of age, names and place of birth.
•Birth certificates
• Religious Certificates
• School leaving Certificates
•Age assessment certificate from a medical officer of health.
•Child health card
•Notification of birth
•Letter of administrative officer-Chief/Assistant Chief
•Sworn Affidavits for late registration
• Proof in support of citizenship.
• Parents ID card for Kenyans by birth
• Certificate of registration as a Kenyan citizen (Kenyan by registration or naturalization)
Persons who qualify for this service are Kenyan citizens who have never been issued with an Identity Card. A waiting card is issued to the applicant upon successful application and shall be surrendered when collecting the processed ID card