The Head of State was on a one-week tour, and visited several areas across the county, but rowdy goons marred it robbing innocent Kenyans.
The young girl, on Tiktok handle Kamfat told how she lay silent on the floor of a matatu for two hours, surviving the incident.
In an interaction with a sympathetic fan, she said “I panicked the minute I saw officers on the side of the road waki Kula story, na wasee wana kimbia in the middle of a highway, being chased like….”
Another fan who related made Kamfat say “I struggled the rest of the day, like I seriously could not shake it off, that’s why I’m here complaining 😭”
The event happened on Tuesday last week.
“I had to deliver some documents to a friend of mine, and I did that. then I made my way to town coz I had a meeting. So at this time the journey was chill”
She had already paid her fare and was relaxed “So we just passed KCA we are heading down Utalii, you know that the hill, the valley that’s from Utalii to Mathare”
Using gestures, she added “We are just about to start inclining, our driver just halts the bus. So we get shocked wondering what’s up. “Then these random men they come and start hitting our bus. they hit the bus, several times telling us ‘rudini, rudini, kuna Vita”
The driver makes a U turn “The driver starts reversing the car, so I’m asking myself what’s going on? And wherever we are going to, isn’t there oncoming traffic? ” It was quite a scene inside the bus “people were confused, peeping out the window, I wasn’t seating next to the window, so I couldn’t see, I was looking at the guy seated next to me, hoping for the tea, ”
At that point there were calls from passengers to hide phones. “At this point I log into Twitter to search for Mathare and then I see someone had tweeted if you are on Thika Road headed to town, make a u turn now people are being robbed in Mathare. ”

Then it became even more dramatic “someone just came and banged and shouted ‘wanakuja’ We are like, aki nani wanakuja? Then the guy goes ficheni simu, It’s just people running, ” she described scenes. The matatu door was shut but sadly they were sandwiched between situations they couldn’t get out of “Wanakuaj, ficheni masimu, uwwii, we were in the middle of the drama, at this point I wasn’t even able to comprehend, I kid you not, we were just sitting in that chaos. people are running and then the nduthi’s it’s like bees, ”
In the distance were fires, “so at this point we establish the road has been closed coz there’s a fire and then I see police in blue, they are just standing on the road observing, just watching everything going on. I look this other side, there are some cops in green, none of them are doing anything, . The thieves were getting closer, everyone in the cars next to is just flooding out of the cars, ” she claimed.
At the sight of abandoned vehicles, Kamfat and was still puzzled “At this point I’m like am I running?” Passengers in her matatu followed suit, with screams. “They are cursing Ruto or saying oh my gosh, awa ni wezi, awa ni ma Gen Z peopel are just saying all sorts of things”
Even the conductor ran away. They were left about 7 people “One of the men said we close all windows, and we lie down low, in times of danger you don’t know who your friend is, you don’t know who to trust, “I was just side ye, like yes I will lie down but side eye” she laughed.
It was a two hour incident “it took place in a time span of two hours, “Then all of a sudden we heard the matatu turn around and the driver went at maximum speed, he passed the abandoned cars, passed people who were stealing and running, I started collecting myself when I saw we were in Ngara, there is no traffic ” Once in town, she alighted the vehicle but was shaken, “it was so disorienting I’m feeling dizzy, my stomach hurts, I’m just in a haze,”