The timetable has been released early to allow for ample time for feedback from stakeholders.
The data of the candidates will also be shared at the end of the registration exercise, which concludes soon on 28th March, 2025.
In a public notice, the Exam council outlined the timetable, instructions and guidelines for schools and candidates to follow.
– All first session examination papers will start at 8.00 a.m. and second session examination papers will start at 2.00 pm as indicated on the timetable.The time allowed for each paper is indicated against the name of the paper and NO EXTRA TIME IS TO BE ALLOWED.
-In case of any discrepancy, the time stated on the question paper should be taken as the correct one. Time for reading through questions is part of the time shown on the question paper except where special paper instructions indicate otherwise.
-Schools should upload marks for subjects with a Project component by 31st March 2025 for Milestone 1 and 31st July 2025 for Milestone 2 where applicable.
Also included were instructions to teacher.
“Teachers are advised to ensure that the candidates read these instructions and guidelines carefully and adhere to them. The candidates should be made aware of the penalties for examination irregularities or misconduct.”
Instructions to candidates
– Avail yourself for searching outside the examination room and be seated at your desk/table 15 minutes before the time fixed for the examination in the various papers. The first session will start at 8.00 a.m. followed by the second session at 2.00 pm as indicated on the timetable.
– A candidate who arrives late will be required to give a satisfactory reason to the Supervisor. Only in exceptional circumstances will a paper be given to any candidate who is more than half an hour late. Absolute punctuality is essential for all papers. 3.2.3 Check the question paper you have been given to confirm that it is the paper you registered for.
– If the questions indicate that a map or other material should have been provided, and they are not, inform the Supervisor at once.
– Attend carefully to any general instructions that may be given on the first page of a paper, e.g. instructions limiting the number of questions that should be answered. 3.2.6 Check to ensure that each page of your question paper is printed. Ensure that your name, index number have been written correctly on the Question Paper/answer script, sign and write the date of the examination on the answer booklet.
– Write on both sides of the paper, but do not use the margins. Begin the answer to each separate part of a question on a fresh line.