All I really wanted was to be able to drive that’s why having been looking for doctors to help me deal with my epileptic condition for years now. I had gotten my driving License early at the age of 18 years just like everybody and as per the recommendation of the Kenyan traffic act, but ever since I got my driving license I have never got a chance to drive.
I got my first seizure earlier that year in my fourth period English class at the university; luckily for me my friend Thomas was around he stopped me from crushing to the floor. They said it was a blackout, no one even thought of epilepsy at that time. I too I never thought I had gotten epilepsy, but how would I have just got it abruptly with no signs of it showing off slowing before striking my body. The years after that, I had a couple more seizures, but when I was a third year student at the university the following year I began to average 4-5 seizures a month, something that affected my education in a very bad way. I faced stigmatization after the seizures, most time after a seizure I would wake up and find a group of my fellow students around me and wonder why were they looking at me , When I stood up they would all scatter or run away from me. Saying that I was possessed with evil spirits and that they do not wish to associate with a possessed creature like me. This led to me losing my self-esteem and most of the time I would lock myself in my room in the student hostels due to stigmatization I got from my fellow students. Due to loneliness of lacking friend to talk to, I became depressed and at one point tried suicide, luckily I was saved by the university hostel attendant who untied my neck from the rope and rushed me to the university dispensary where I was treated and discharged. One trying moment is when experienced a seizure in front of the class during a presentation something that never forgot, After the seizure I woken up and found no one in class, everyone had run away from me saying that I was possessed with demons and that I was going to pass demons to them, that is the day I went to the hospital packed my belonging and dropped out of the university.
A couple of years thereafter, I went to see neurologist, at the Moi teaching and referral hospital in Eldoret. That’s when I was finally diagnosed with epilepsy. For several years, I and my doctor varied the type of medication I took, but never got my seizures under control. I continued to experience the seizures time to time even at the facility where I was diagnosed, my family really wondered what kind of treatment I was going on, at one moment my mum threatened to sue the hospital management of conning her money on grounds that I my health conditions had not improved. The hospital bill was pilling, things had got out of hand, and my family could not manage my hospital bills so they came to an agreement that I be discharged from the hospital and try out another cheap hospital in Nairobi. I was transferred to a Nairobi hospital but still things never changed, the seizures were still occurring this time round I would experience seven in a day. I got violent too because the epilepsy had gotten in its worse stages. I was discharged from the hospital and taken back to my rural home in Kaka mega under the care of my mother; most time she was in a somber mood praying just to see me back to my good health again. One day a family friend Mr.Kerubo visited us at our homestead and talkedto us about kiwanga doctors, herbal doctors who treat a wide range of illnesses , epilepsy being one of them he gave us their contacts and without hesitation, we called them and booked an appointment with them, The following morning we met them, I was diagnosed and prescribed herbal medication which I took for two days, on the third day, I started to feel much better, no seizure occurred again aim back to my good health again, thanks to kiwanga doctors.
Three months now after receiving treatment from doctor kiwanga, aim celebrating, driving myself to and from work, in my new caldera four wheel drive car, once again thanks to kiwanga doctors. I advise anyone with any kind of chronic illness to visit kiwanga doctors for treatment they are fast and effective, they also treat Pneumonia, Broken bones, Tuberculosis and many others. They also cast genuine and powerful spells like Witchcraft spell, Love spell, and black magic spell among other spells.
For consultations call +254769404965 E-mail or visit the website
By Kiwanga Doctors