Black magic isn’t really my sort of thing. At least it wasn’t really my sort of thing until recently but now, perhaps it is.
You see, I was having a horrible time with a co-worker. Our relationship was toxic because she was toxic, and it was impacting me not only during my time at work but also my own well-being and mental health generally. I felt anxious nearly all the time, I was emotional and no longer my upbeat self, all because of the actions of this women, Faith who I worked with. To put it bluntly, Faith treated me like shit. She would steal my work and take credit for it. She accidentally sent me messages and mails complaining about me, even about the fact that I had been sick, I mean how dare i? And it wasn’t just one off incident, this sort of thing would happen almost every day and, in the end, I had just had enough. Although I had tried to resolve the issue by the usual professional channels, it hadn’t worked. After nearly a year of this happening, I was becoming increasingly desperate to have it resolved and I was really willing to try anything.
After discussing the situation with my sister He informed me about kiwanga doctors whom I talked to and they gave me a few guidelines to do, they told me it’s something they do, something that wasn’t run of the mill but effective none the less. It involved a lemon with some black magic; They explained that lemons are commonly used in black magic to curse people with poverty and misfortune or a way to absorb dark and negative energies and spirit. They also said it can be used to repel dark forces. Like the people who cause you ill will in life. One of the testimonies I saw on their website a student admitted one time at school his friend Steve at high school who made his life horrible, so through advice and teachings from doctor kiwanga he decided to try it. He was told to put lemon in a freezer with the friends name written on it, by writing the name of the person you want to inflict with black magic onto the lemon, it will rid and sour person from your life. While it sounded absolutely absurd, it actually worked within months, the student admitted on his testimony that his friend was suspended and he no longer disturbs him.
With the testimonies I read on the website plus the teachings doctor kiwanga passed onto me how could I not try it myself? So that’s exactly what I did, At home, I cut a slit in a lemon, wrote faiths name onto a piece of paper, slid it into the slit of the lemon and then sealed it up with some thread. After all this, I placed the lemon into a freezer. To be honest, I dint hold high hopes. I was sure what had happened to the student was just a fluke, but the next morning faith went home sick. Over the next four weeks she only came to the office a handful of times, every time she returned home, she left early because she wasn’t feeling 100 percent. I kept thinking to myself that surely faith will come back to work soon and stay and the lemon spell will come to an end. My Mum asked me whether I feel guilty, and will sometimes hint at me to take the lemon out of the freezer, but the thing is, I did this with the help of Doctor Kiwanga for a reason and in the end; I don’t feel guilty about it at all. Faith was making me miserable. I hated work when she was around because I felt so uncomfortable around her, and aim so relieved she left. And if she comes back, or aim faced with another person in my life who I need to get rid of I will visit kiwanga doctors without hesitation. I advise anyone who is facing bullying challenges to visit kiwanga doctors for a solution to people who bully them especially at work nor school; Kiwanga doctors also cast other spells in the word like Sex spell, Wallet spell, Love spells among other spells. They also help in treating and healing of various illnesses including Stomach pain, short breath, and skin infections among other illnesses.
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