Budding entrepreneur and social media influencer Amira has voiced her disappointment with men who publicly disrespect their wives, opening doors for other people to treat them as lesser than.Amira’s remarks were highly influenced by Nigerian actress, model and former presenter Annie Idibia’s relationship with her husband, veteran musician 2Face Idibia which has been under public scrutiny due to 2Baba’s constant infidelity scandals.The mother of 2 noted people no longer respected Annie, despite her stellar career and sharp business-oriented mind due to her husband’s actions and her decision to stick with him despite his numerous shortcomings.Mrs. Annie IdibiaPosting on her Instagram stories Amira wrote, “A husband is often a reflection of his wife. How he treats you sets the tone for how others will perceive and treat you as well. No matter how accomplished, intelligent, or respected a woman may be in her career or leadership role, if her husband treats her poorly or disregards her value, it opens the door for others to do the same.” Drawing an example from one of Young African and Famous reality TV stars, Annie Idibia, Amira highlighted she was a good example of just how a disrespectful man can dull your shine.“Conversely, when a man honors, respects, and values his wife, people are more likely to mirror that respect. Take Annie for example, Annie is a woman with a remarkable career and has achieved great success.Many of us fell in love with her, well, I did, when her husband, then boyfriend, featured her in his iconic African Queen music video. In that video, it seemed he loved her so openly and beautifully that we couldn’t help but admire their relationship.But today, the same man who made us adore her with that moment of public affection is the one who has subjected her to public ridicule because of his cheating,” Amira added.Annie and her husband, Nigerian artist 2Face IdibiaWrapping up the mother of 2 highlighted how no matter the occasion or argument at hand people always bring out 2Face Idibia’s serial cheating as a way to hurt and silence Annie as there’s honestly no comeback for that.Amira advised people to learn a thing or two from the celebrity couple emphasizing that personal relationships always tend to overshadow everything else and are lethal in the court of public opinion.The businesswoman argued hence this is why feeling loved by someone is never enough a reason to commit your entire life to/with them
“Now, every time someone seeks to tear her down, they weaponize his public betrayal, using his cheating habit to discredit her. It isn’t fair, but that’s how deeply personal relationships impact public perception.
This is why choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. love alone isn’t enough,” the last of her post read.Back in 2022 Nigerian star 2Face Idibia also known as 2Baba offered a public apology to his wife Annie after allegedly fathering his 6th child outside marriage.Reality TV star Annie Idibia
Mr. Idibia and Annie share 2 kids, however her first child with Idibia is his 5th as the singer had fathered kids with other women while dating the media personality.
In a lengthy post, he apologized for all the embarrassment he had caused his wife, his kids, his mother, his other families out of wedlock and his management.
He admitted that he’d been a bad father, husband, and baby daddy and made it clear that he had no excuses for that.
I’m not looking for no sympathy I’m not trying to make myself look good This is no reverse psychology bullshit. I have no excuses I just want to do right by my wife, and my kids and their moms and my mom and all families and my manager and friends.
I’m not quitting or suicidal or giving up,” 2face wrote.
2 years later however, and nothing much has changed evidently.