In a conversation with Otile Brown’s ex-manager Noriega Donself on his Youtibe channel ‘Condors Cigars Carnvasations.”, the two talk about many topics.
He enquired again “Have you not been following up? So how do you not know?”

Azziad credited her manager, Assistant, parents and close relatives for being her support system.
“I always pray to God to never let me lose myself in all this. As long as you are putting God first, be kind you will make it.
There is no short cut you have to put in the work.
Why do you have to be nasty and at the end of the day you are praying asking God for blessings?
Sometimes we block our own blessing by being nasty.”
What happened to her viral ‘Shoe Game ‘ show
“We took a long break because life happened and I got busy. We are looking at strategies.
We are turning bigger and better.”

Does she feel people are jealous because she is young and successful?
‘We have people who did not achieve certain things at a certain age when they see someone else do it they say it’s wababa.
I think it’s just misplaced anger.
I would rather be rich and miserable.”

Speaking about her mental health in a video posted on her TikTok page Azziad revealed that she’d been hospitalized for close to a month with her specialist advising she takes time off social media and her phone in general during the said time period.
“I was not allowed to go outside under the doctor’s supervision, and for the past two to three weeks, I have not been on my phone,” the budding actress shared as she updated her fans on why she has been dormant of late.
She went on to add that her mental state had deteriorated to such alarming rates hence why the isolation was really necessary. Azziad noted she was sharing her journey so as to remind people that mental health issues aren’t something to be embarrassed of regardless of the stigma surrounding the topic.
According to the radio presenter having low moments was a just a way of life and should be given room.
“I have not posted, I have not been on WhatsApp, I have not done anything because it was necessary.
That was one of the dangers to me. I was taking care of my mental health. It was bad; it’s been a rollercoaster; it has been a ride. I am just telling you this to tell you that it is normal. It is life,” Azziad added candidly.
Wrapping up the digital content creator shared an apology directed to people whom she may have unintentionally offended as she emphasized on how crazy this year has been for her.