The New Year offers a chance to reflect on the past and reorganize for the future. It’s a time when individuals, like digital content creator and budding events hostess Tatiana Karanja, popularly known as Mama Olive, set goals and share their aspirations for the months ahead.
Mama Olive recently shared a detailed breakdown of her resolutions, even though the year was already two weeks in.
She stated various aspects of her life she plans to revamp, including friendships, self-care, motherhood, and finances, among others.
Her comprehensive approach showcases her determination to tackle the next 12 months with purpose and intention.

On her Instagram feed, the award-winning photographer shared a short video of herself radiating joy as she twirled to show off a stylish mustard pantsuit.
The video, set against a flowery background, read, “New year goals…”
In the caption, she emphasized that unlike previous years, she is determined to stay focused on her 2025 goals.
She revealed one of her strategies for success: consistently tracking her progress and holding occasional review meetings with herself to assess how things are going and celebrate milestones by ticking off accomplishments from her bucket list.
“Hey, I thought I’d take a moment to share some of my goals for this year… One thing I’m really focusing on is checking in with myself regularly. You know how life can get busy and overwhelming?
I’m determined not to find myself in a situation where I set goals and then feel bad when I don’t achieve them. Instead, I’ll be doing constant check-ins to see what’s serving me and what’s not,” the mother of three wrote as she opened up about her aspirations for the year ahead.
She went on to share that she had carefully reviewed her aspirations for the year using the SMART method to ensure her goals were realistic and attainable, aiming to avoid unnecessary disappointment.
However, she stressed that regardless of the outcome, her priority was treating herself with kindness and navigating life with grace.
“I believe that each goal should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. So, yeah, I’ll be keeping that in mind as I navigate this year. It’s all about finding balance and being kind to ourselves, right?
Remember, it’s okay not to be perfect, and we shouldn’t put too much pressure on ourselves just because it’s a new year. What are some of your goals? I’m curious to see what we’re all working on this year. Who knows? Maybe your goal and approach will inspire someone,” she concluded in her post, encouraging her followers to share their aspirations.