“Today marks exactly 2yrs when I chose to put the bottle🥃 🍷🍺, the vapes, the cannabis & the cigarettes 🚬 down & embark on my sobriety journey.”
She spoke about her addiction then
“Recovery is a journey rather than a destination. I know the cycle of quitting today & slipping after a few days can be frustrating & can easily make you lose hope but I can assure you, where there’s a will there’s a way & if you want it enough you will get through to it + with God all things are possible😉”

“Have I thought of the “good high” times that I had and the euphoria that came with getting high, staying high & the feeling of no stress, no anxiety, just free & emptiness of mind a couple of times? YES I HAVE, if you were dependent on any substance to relax or give you a sense of freedom(forget your stressors) when the going gets tough, your mind is wired to default to what it has known and what it’s used to, but to get over the cravings of the substance you have to develop new coping mechanisms & adopt new mental models🤯”

Kush spoke candidly about how this lifestyle change allowed her to bring out the best version of herself. She added that while quitting presented its challenges, she had to go through with it.
“Funny thing is the substance(drug of choice) only works untill it stops working & being a solution/avoidance to your problems and in turn becomes an obstacle to you living a fruitful & fulfilling life.”

Kush admitted that it helped her learn the difference between fun and joy.
“Be careful not to put up camp in spaces or with people who are your enablers this will make staying on track harder if you are always around the temptation.”
She eventually realized that the things she used to do in pursuit of fun, didn’t actually bring her any joy in her life.
“I have been caught up in the “Just one drink won’t do no harm” 😝#kidogotu web of thoughts I.e romanticizing my favorite booze and I always have to get myself in check, catch the thought, analyze it to find out what has triggered it(the lingering core issue/stressor), remind myself of the truth of what it really does & instead of glamorizing my past drinking & high escapes, I focus on the benefits of my sober self & remind myself I can experience a beautiful, social & happy life without being high & BEING SOBER IS TOTALLY COOL😎”

Ntalami herself has been on a journey got saved this year in an announcement about her profound encounter with God.
Ntalami told Kush Tracey about her sobriety journey
“We are winning! Another one for Jesus! 🙌🏾🥳 So proud of you sis! ♥️ @kush_tracey”