Content creator Millicent Ayuwa, popularly known as Dem wa Facebook, has revealed the total amount of money she spent on building her parents’ house. Dem Wa Facebook reveals amount she spent on parents’ dream home. The comic handed over the house to her parents on Sunday, December 15, in a colourful but emotional ceremony in her village home, Kitale. Why did Dem wa Facebook build home for parents? She said her intention was to inspire young girls in her community to make better life choices and avoid early pregnancies or rushing into marriage.
“I built this house with people’s support. I didn’t want to buy my parents a house in Nairobi. I wanted to encourage young girls in my village to stop getting early pregnancies and rushing into marriage. For me, marriage is an option because, with money, I can buy a pregnancy,” she stated. The comedian further promised to continue supporting her parents and hinted at buying them cars soon. Villagers had thronged the family home to witness the momentous occasion, applauding the comedian for her generosity and thoughtfulness.
Dem wa Facebook speaks after building parent’s home In an interview with Milele FM’s Ankali Ray, she revealed building the house cost her KSh 3 million. According to the content creator, she further spent KSh 1 million in buying furniture and furnishing the house. She proudly declared herself an iron lady. “Building the entire house cost KSh 3 million, and furnishing it cost about KSh 1 million. I’m an iron lady,” she revealed.
by Brian Ajon