A video of Bishop Ben Kiengei forcefully kissing his wife and asking her to send a Christmas message has gone viral. Dama and Kiengei fell out after audio of the businesswoman allegedly backbiting him leaked. Was Kiengei drunk in viral video? In the video, the preacher pulled his wife’s face and kissed her before forcing her to say hello on the camera.
He also kissed some of his family members live on camera. Some netizens questioned if the man of God was drunk, while others laughed at how aggressive he was. Kiengei’s ex-BFF Dama commented on the video, throwing shade at him. She alleged that the man of God was drunk, questioning if congregants could respect such preachers.
“Nani ameingia TikTok leo akajua pombe sio supu (Did anyone realise that alcohol is not soup after watching TikTok video today)? Let me sleep because Jesus is close to those he saved. Today, they are drunk. Praise the name of the Lord. When pastors and church leaders drink like that, won’t the congregants insult you. Anyway what’s is bothering me yet no one has drank my alcohol?” she posted on Facebook before deleting.
Below is Dama’s post: Reactions to Dama’s post include: Amina Caroline wrote: “Na Dama huwa anapost ana delete aki realize amekosa 😅 Evalinawanjiru said: “Do you know how highly esteemed the bishop office is?” Maggy Ngugi said: “Kwani heartbreak Huwa Ina heal after how long?😏.” It’s me lydia said: “Dama sema tu unamiss hii company ya Bishop… I know how it feels but you can come back mamaaa no big deal tunakuelewa tu🤣.”
JKey wrote: “Si I thought mliachana bado unafuatilia Maisha take 😅😅😅😅kubali iishe.” Kelvinkaburuti said: “Huyu msee ni comedian usisahau so sioni ulevi hapa wajameni.” Tremophat said: “Hope Ben won’t reply her because I believe she can’t stay without him.”
by Caren Nyota