A video doing rounds online shows the moment a knocks down an elderly woman. A young man on roller blades hit a grandma. How did skater hit grandma? The clip, captured along a pedestrian walkway, showed a group of boys gathering to see their comrade skate. The woman, wearing red and black, walked past them, and the person behind the camera asked her to move.
“Grandma, please move a little,” he said. Meanwhile, their skater friend took off from the other end at a high speed while attempting to jump over a shoe placed on the road. As if having a premonition of what would happen, another boy said: The way this guy is coming, he might hit you.” The skater jumped over the obstacle but seemingly lost control. He hit the granny, and one of her shoes came off before they both tumbled to the ground. “Ghai,” one of the boys exclaimed.
Many Kenyans were unimpressed by the incident and reacted by saying: @NairobiScents: “You are telling her to move, yet she might not understand Swahili.” @cfc_vladamir: “If it were my mother you hit to impress people, I would have boxed you.” @cauvin_james: “They are taking city antics to the village.” @ArapKamonjo: “And that is how she cursed him.” @that_bloke_kiri: “If you finish the elderly, where will we get advice?” @raydio_22: “That grandma is very strong.”
by William Osoro