Avri’s rallying call to men over Femicide



Singer Avril believes that men have a big role to play in changing the mindsets of their peers on gender based violence.

Femicide has been a trending topic owing to cases being reported, eliciting debate.

She took to her social media accounts to weigh in on recent cases, 

She told that ending violence against woman also involves men, pointing out how they can be allies and agents of change.

“I can tell you for a FACT that every woman you know has a story where they’ve felt unsafe, scared, looked at the wrong way, vulnerable, were downright followed or much worse.”

According to the singer, societal inequalities play a fundamental role in violence against women.

“Every woman you know has either carried an extra jacket, shares her location, pretends to be on a phone call with someone while they’re in a cab, doesn’t try to be rude to strangers, is hyper vigilant while in public, only wears one earphone in public, or carries a pepper spray”

The vast majority of these acts are perpetrated by men, evoking fear in women.

“Every woman you know lives with the constant reminder that it could be them any day. Every woman you know thanks her lucky stars it wasn’t them today”

“Every woman you know can see herself in the victims and survivors because they know that it wasn’t them that day because of someone else deciding it isn’t their turn yet. When a man sees a shadow on a dark night, they’re scared it could be a ghost.”


She adds that Gender based violence should not just be a ‘woman’s only problem’

“When a woman sees that shadow? They’re scared it could be a man. So for all the men who are seeing this… we know it’s not all men. But for a woman, every man is a potential threat. Before starting your “not all men”, “but we’re the good guys”, “teach women self defence” narratives, understand that this isn’t JUST a women’s issue.”

She called on men to take a lead, sharing the responsibility of ending the offences and engaging actively. 

“When half the population lives this way, it’s a macro problem. Self defence classes aren’t gonna fix a man’s wandering eye. When your fellow boys make jokes and you’re silent, just know that you’re a part of the problem.”

She urged men to take concrete steps to support gender equality and combat violence.

“Talk to the women in your life and try to understand WHY we’re so exhausted instead of ignoring the problem.”

It is worth noting that already a variety of movements and campaigns have engaged men as partners. 


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