Family and friends gathered to remember the life of a beloved late comedienne Tabitha Gatwiri, during an emotional candle-lighting ceremony Tabitha Gatwiri, whom friends and family celebrated in an emotional event. When was Gatwiri’s candle-lighting ceremony held? Gatwiri’s death was announced on social media on Thursday, October 31, by celebrities and friends, leaving fans in shock.
At the time, comedian MC Bull mourned Gatwiri, reminiscing about their planned shoot and expressed sadness over her sudden passing. Gatwiri will be remembered for her lively personality and the witty content that she produced and shared on her social media platforms. During the candle-lighting ceremony, people from all walks of life looked solemn and closed their eyes as they also said a prayer for the souls of their departed friends and their families left behind.
Mc_eddie, who attended the event, said: “Fly my friend; rest in peace Gatwiri.” Kenyans react to the video yvonne_kombe: “This one life we living is so fragile😢.Gatwiri sleep gently❤️❤️.” rut.5342: “Go well dear, God loves you more till we meet again 🙌🙌.” kagwiria627: “May God grant her soul eternal life. Gatwiri you will be remembered for your big heart and being good to everyone, bye my hommie.” mum_nana_: “This hurt me so so much 😢 I never met this girl 💔 but I loved her.” queenlicks: “Continue resting in peace legend…your legacy will live forever in our hearts ♥💚💙.”
by Susan Mwenesi