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Murang’a Assembly Calls For Resolving Of Hitches Facing The County Health Care Programme


Murang’a county assembly  in session 
Murang’a county assembly has passed a motion compelling the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for health to iron out challenges facing implementation of the county health care programme.

The MCAs on Tuesday said some challenges like delayed remittance of funds to the programme dubbed Kang’ata care need to be resolved immediately so as to ensure beneficiaries listed in the health cover scheme don’t miss medical care.

In a report tabled by the chairperson of the assembly’s committee for health services Boniface Mbau, it was revealed that beneficiaries of the programme have been complaining that their cards have no funds thus being turned away from health facilities.

Mbau highlighted that as of February this year, some residents included in the Kang’ata care programme complained they could not access affordable medical care since their cards had no funds and some of their names were missing from the list.

He added that use of the cards is causing delays in referrals to patients who seek specialized treatment to facilities out of the county.

“Mr. Speaker, the last expense funds which is one of the components of the programme has been delayed for up to six months before disbursement leading to extra expenses to the family affected,” said Mbau who is also MCA for Muthithi ward.

The Kang’ata care programme was established by the county government at the beginning of last year to provide Universal Health coverage for indigent and vulnerable households in the county.

The programme with more than 20, 000 beneficiaries covers outpatient and inpatient services, optical and dental treatment and last expense.

According to Chairperson, the CECM for health should have a clear list of the beneficiaries as per ward.

Seconding the motion, Kangari MCA Moses Mirara said there is need to create a structure of management on the roles and responsibilities on running the programme.

“Currently, the programme is not independent. The people running the Kang’ata care are not defined. There are no structures of management. We want the roles of various officers running the programme to be made clear,” Added Mirara.

On her part, nominated MCA Sharleen Wambui said that hospitals benefitting from Kang’ata Care should provide an audit on quarterly basis so as to ensure funds utilized are accounted for and residents benefit from the healthcare scheme without challenges.

“Performance reports of all the four areas covered by the medical scheme should be submitted quarterly so as to monitor the implementation of the programme,” remarked Wambui.

To improve its effectiveness, Gaturi ward MCA, Gathee wa Njeri recommended that the youth especially those who are vulnerable and with disabilities be included in the Kang’ata Care programme as majority of the beneficiaries are the elderly.

“The programme should also consider including youth who are from poor backgrounds and who need support to access affordable medical care. This will ensure inclusivity,” he noted.

By Bernard Munyao and Peter Wandia

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