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Vihiga: 11 County Officials Arrested over KSh 17m Scandal, Eugene Wandera Ordered to Surrender


EACC raids Vihiga county

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has raided Vihiga county over corruption allegations among its officials. EACC has arrested 11 county officials, including the Chief Officer of Medical Services, in a KSh17 million scandal.  In a statement on Thursday, June 13, EACC said its officers arrested 11 officials, including Chief Officer for Medical Services Dr. Arnold Kimiyia Mamadi and Director of Procurement Godfrey Oyaro, who were set to be arraigned. Why did EACC arrest Vihiga county officials? According to EACC, the suspects are linked to the embezzlement of KSh17 million through the purported construction of a blood transfusion centre in Vihiga.  "The suspects allegedly embezzled public funds amounting to Ksh17 million through fraudulent payments for non-existent works in purported construction of a Blood Transfusion Centre in Vihiga to help patients requiring blood transfusion," EACC stated. The suspects spent the night at Kisumu Port Police Station before they were escorted to Kakamega Law Courts to take plea on Thursday morning. The anti-graft commission further ordered Principal Quantity Surveyor Eugene Wandera Wamalwa, who is on the run, to report at the EACC Regional office in Kisumu. "The Commission ORDERS the 12th suspect, QS. Eugene Wandera Wamalwa, Principal Quantity Surveyor, Vihiga County, is on the run to immediately report to the EACC Regional Office in Kisumu this morning, without fail," EACC ordered. EACC raids 8 Garissa county officials' homes On Tuesday, June 11, the commission raided the homes of eight county officers in Garissa over alleged embezzlement of KSh 1.2 billion.  EACC spokesperson Eric Ngumbi said that they were able to recover crucial documents that will aid in the investigation. According to EACC, the suspects directly and indirectly traded public funds with their close relatives, companies they owned, and close associates. The body urged residents to share any information on misappropriated funds to EACC. 

by  Sefu Sabila 

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