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PS directs probation officers to fast track reports of inmates jailed for minor offences


A person in handcuffs
Probation officers have been directed to fast track the preparation of reports for inmates who are serving prison sentences for minor offences, in order to pave way for a review of their respective cases.

The Principal Secretary in charge of the State Department for Correctional Services Dr. Salome Muhia Beacco wants the preparation of reports for inmates who are serving prison sentences for minor offences fast tracked in order to pave way for a review of their respective cases with an aim to enable some of them to carry out community service orders outside the prison walls, and decongest the prisons in the process.

Speaking at the Isiolo GK Prison Thursday where she presided over the official opening of new infrastructure including a high perimeter wall, gate-lodge and watchtowers/sentries, the PS affirmed that there was need to initiate a review of some cases for minor offences so as the courts can allow those convicted wrongfully and those serving short sentences for minor offences to do community service.

She argued that many families are also struggling to keep going, just because the men who are supposed to be responsible providers are held behind bars for matters that can be resolved otherwise.

PS Salome noted that the state department has already increased the number of probation officers across the country in order to increase their efficiency to ease the process of monitoring the progress of rehabilitation of the inmates, and their reintegration to the society once they are out of the corrective facilities.

She made an appeal to men who make up the vast percentage of those in jails to act more responsibly, noting that statistics indicate that families without men who are presumed to be the head often struggle to raise kids in the right way, with many children becoming delinquents once they attain teenage years, due to disciplinary issues.

Lady Justice Lillian Mutende, the National Chair for Community Service Orders said that with the Isiolo Law Courts set to be elevated to High Court status and have a Judge stationed there, cases for minor offences will be effectively reviewed, with the judge acting on reports from the probation office so that some minor offenders can be allowed to do community service which also benefits the society at large.

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