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Njugush, Wife Forced to Flee from Rowdy Crowd at Njambi Koikai's Burial: "Ukisleki Simu Inaenda"


Njugush  and his wife run away from a crowd
A video of Kenyan comedian Njugush, his wife Wakavinye and Eddie Butita scampering for safety after chaos erupted at Njambi Koikai's burial in Lang'ata Cemetery has gone viral online. Njugush, his wife and Eddie Butita were among the celebrities at Njambi Koikai's funeral.  What happened at Njambi Koikai's funeral? Things turned chaotic after a reggae song was played, and the crowd started dancing. The emcee had to call for calm and urged the crowd to make way for Njambi's mother.  However, the pleas did little to calm the crowd, who were keen on paying their last respects to the trailblazer. Some mourners opted not to join the melee, climbed trees, and watched the proceedings from afar. The security team surrounded the family members, shielding them from the shoving crowd. What happened to Njugush, wife at Njambi Koikai's burial? Things took a turn, and Njugush, his wife, and Butita had to scamper for safety in a video sighted by Njugush was seen running towards his wife's car, a white Range Rover. Eddie Butita followed hotly on Njugush's heels. A man escorting the father of two was heard telling him: "Ingia kwa gari yako polepole (Get into your case swiftly.) Kenyans quipped about the trio's run, noting they had showcased impressive running skills. Netizens react to Njugush, Wakavinye getting chased Here is what they had to say: _maato__: "Kuna huyo anakimbia kama sterling." vikkietaj: "The last guy anakimbia aje." empresskazz254: "Wamehepa na finance bill ama?" dann_ngugi: "Hao wote wanataka kuachiwa za macho." dj_daddy_emm: "Kukimbia ni deadly deadly." khassimmacella: "Ukisleki simu inaenda." certifiedloner2: "Nani huyo amepeleka finance bill kwa bunge sasa mkimbizeni mkimshika nyongaaa." ptar_jnr_254: "Walienda mazishi ya warasta bila security wametolewa mbio mbaya vijana wako njaa." 

by  Patricia Tonui 

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