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Lake Victoria: Brave Fisherman Recounts Surviving Death After 6-Hour Fight With Crocodile


A man recounts encounter with crocodile  
Isma Magongo, a 49-year-old fisherman from Kaliro District, has recounted his near-fatal encounter with a crocodile on Dolwe Island, Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria: Brave Fisherman Recounts Surviving Death After 6-Hour Fight With Crocodile The incident occurred in 2015 when Magongo went to check on a delayed boat carrying fish to Namayingo District. Daily Monitor records that the harrowing incident occurred as the fisherman washed his hands at the water’s edge.  Without notice, a marauding crocodile viciously attacked and dragged him into the water. Despite his swimming skills and knowledge from other survivors’ stories, Magongo was pulled deeper by the reptile for six agonizing hours. "I managed to jump on its back and it kept rotating around the shallow water," he recalled. How was Magongo rescued? His ordeal ended when rescue teams arrived, but not before the crocodile had bitten off one of his fingers. Magongo says the reptile severed one of his left fingers as he tried to clutch its mouth. The rescue operation involved two boats and long sticks to beat the water until the crocodile released its grip. He was rushed to a health centre and later to Jinja Regional Referral Hospital for treatment. The traumatic experience left him reliant on the support of sympathizers and former employees to care for his family as his businesses suffered. 

by  Hillary Lisimba 

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