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KEWOPA condemns Governor Guyo’s remarks against Senator Fatuma


The Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) 
The Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA) has condemned the sexual remarks made by Isiolo Governor, Abdi Guyo against Senator Fatuma Dullo.

In their statement delivered by their chairperson, Leah Sankaire they expressed their displeasure on Guyo’s verbal abuse which constituted sexual and gender- based violence.

“Such language is unacceptable, particularly from a state official of his stature and who has a constitutional mandate over a county with inhabitants from both genders,” she said.

She further acknowledged that Senator Dullo was a distinguished national leader who had earned her position through merit and support from the community and Kenyans at large.

“She is a respectable woman who has shown exemplary leadership and commitment to serving her constituents,” Sankaire said.

In addition, she said that any attempt to undermine her integrity and leadership through demeaning remarks was not only an affront towards the senator but to all women in leadership and to an extent, all Kenyan women.

Moreover, she reiterated that KEWOPA would stand against any form of speech or action that would seem to demean women leaders.

Sankaire further stated that KEWOPA demands immediate apology from the governor and that he publicly commit to refraining from making such derogatory statements.

She called on leaders to join them in condemning such behavior and support the ongoing efforts to create a peaceful political environment for all.

“Together we can ensure our society upholds the dignity and respect of every individual, regardless of gender,” she said.

 Ian Okal

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