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Governors allege plot to return health function to National Government


Council of Governors chair addressing the public

The Council of Governors are raising a red flag over an alleged plot to sneak back the health function to the National Government through what they term as a well calculated smear campaign to paint the devolved units as inept.

Consequently, the County bosses are faulting the National Government for allegedly denying them their equitable share revenue a few days to the end of the 2023/2024 financial year which is hampering service delivery.

Led by CoG health committee chairperson and Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki the Governors questioned the motive behind the push, yet it is the national government that has not released resources to counties.

According to Governor Njuki, the messaging around the debts owed by counties to KEMSA, had the hallmarks of a well thought out and executed scheme, keen on painting counties in bad blood.

“If the National Government stuck to the law and gave us our resources on the 15th of every month, no county would be having a debt of KEMSA,” said Njuki.

“A debt is not bad. Infact, the agreement we have with KEMSA allows counties a 90 day repayment period. Doesn’t that marry with the period counties haven’t received their equitable share?” he added.

The Governor noted that counties would not hesitate to clear debts owed to KEMSA immediately after they received their share of revenue.

KEMSA says counties owe them about Ksh3 billion in arrears.


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