Police in Rachuonyo are detaining a 35-year-old man accused of perpetrating sexual assault on a woman. The man descended on the police with a machete injuring him in the head. Identified as Isaiah Otieno, the suspect violently took on the officers who had presented themselves at his village to arrest him. Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo explained that the officers introduced themselves and ordered the suspect to open the door and surrender. Otieno came out of his house armed with a machete with which he descended on the officers at the door. He hacked one of the officers in the head before striving to flee the scene. The officers later shot in the air to prevent his escape, with the bullet ending in the man’s thigh. The suspect was overpowered by the officers who arrested and took him to the Siaya County Referral Hospital alongside the injured cop. His machete was picked for use as an exhibit.