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Governor Njuki orders registration of all persons selling fertilizer in Tharaka Nithi


Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has put on notice unscrupulous fertilizer dealers against stepping foot in the county, directing the department of agriculture to register all dealers intending to sell fertilizer in the county.

In a move that will also include agrovets, the Governor who was on the 5th day of free certified seeds distribution to farmers in the county, noted there is a trend that involves some unnamed persons aiding the trade that is in the end affecting farmers and their produce.

He noted the sort of greed being witnessed in the agricultural sector would gravely affect food security.

Governor Njuki also inspected fertilizer in government run warehouses in the county, giving it a stamp of approval, warning farmers of buying fertilizer from facilities not accredited and inspected by government officials.

So far, there haven’t been cases of fake fertilizer in the county, assuring farmers to continue preparing their land for the raining season.

The county government officials will also work hand in hand with national government officials in the registration and approval for fertilizer to be sold in the county.


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