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This Lady Narrates How Dr Mugwenu Helped Her Business from Making Losses

A woman has narrated how Dr Mugwanu saved her business from collapsing. MS Njeri, who owns two MPESA shops and a boutique explains what forced her to seek the services of Dr Mugwanu.

“I am now in a position to explain how my business suffered losses until I was about to surrender. I own two MPESA shops and a boutique, which I operate in Nairobi’s Moi Avenue. I have owned these businesses for about three years but this year something worse happened to me.

In January 2017 my business was booming as usual but as the year progressed, I started losing customers. By May 2017 all my businesses were registering a quarter the money I was making before.


One day I thought I should seek other people’s opinion to determine whether I was the only one suffering. One by one, the business people along Moi Avenue told me they were experiencing the same. Since I am prayerful, I kept on putting God first hoping that one day the business would return normal.

By July 2017 my business was almost collapsing. Customers reduced to irreducible minimum. One of my MPESA shops used to have long queues before 2017 but this time I hardly got 10 customers.

What made me almost shed tears is when my landlord told me to vacate my house because I failed to pay rent.I pleaded with him to give one more month but this is the response he gave me:”kama hauna pesa utoke mwezi ujao,kuna watu wengi wanataka hiyo nyumba”.I felt pain but I didn’t want to lose my fighting spirit in me.

After searching for answers to my business losses, I decided to share with a friend who owns a salon in Donholm.This particular friend told me in black and white: “I will show you someone who can help you”. I thought she could refer me to someone to lend me money but she instead referred me to Dr Mugwenu. 

Business Spells And How They Work

Business spells are a kind of magic that is used to boost sales, attract customers, overcome challenges, and achieve success in any business venture. Business spells can help entrepreneurs, traders, investors, and professionals to improve their financial situation and grow their businesses. Business spells can also help to protect the business from evil forces, competitors, or enemies that may try to harm or sabotage it.

According to Mugwenu Doctors, a group of traditional African herbalists and spiritual healers, business spells can be cast using various methods and materials, such as herbs, oils, candles, coins, rings, and other items that represent the business or the desired outcome. Mugwenu Doctors claim to have the power and experience to cast effective and ethical business spells for their clients. 

According to their website, Mugwenu Doctors offer different types of business spells, such as:

·         Business prosperity spell: This spell is meant to increase the profits and revenues of the business, by attracting more customers and creating loyal clients. It also helps to create a positive reputation and image for the business in the market.

·         Business protection spell: This spell is meant to shield the business from any negative influences or attacks, such as curses, hexes, bad luck, or evil eye. It also helps to prevent theft, fraud, or losses in the business.

·         Business success spell: This spell is meant to ensure the success and growth of the business, by overcoming any obstacles or challenges that may arise. It also helps to create new opportunities and partnerships for the business.

·         Business attraction spell: This spell is meant to attract new customers, clients, or investors to the business, by creating a strong magnetic force that draws them in. It also helps to enhance the quality and value of the products or services offered by the business.

·         Business luck spell: This spell is meant to bring good luck and fortune to the business, by increasing the chances of winning contracts, tenders, or deals. It also helps to avoid any delays or setbacks in the business. 

Mugwenu Doctors state that their business spells are ethical and do not violate the free will or consent of the people involved. They also advise their clients to be honest, sincere, and respectful when casting the spells, as the intentions and emotions play a vital role in the outcome. They warn that harmful or selfish intentions can backfire and cause adverse consequences.

One of their clients, Ms Njeri, who owns two MPESA shops and a boutique in Nairobi, narrated how Dr Mugwenu saved her business from collapsing. She said that she contacted Dr Mugwenu after her friend referred him to her, and he cast a business prosperity spell for her. She said that within a week, her business started booming again, and she was able to pay her rent and bills. She thanked Dr Mugwenu for his help and recommended him to anyone who needs business spells.

Business spells are a form of traditional and spiritual practice that have been used for centuries by different cultures and communities.

They are based on the belief that the universe and the forces of nature can be influenced and manipulated through rituals and symbols. While some may view them as superstition or fantasy, others may find them as a source of hope and guidance. Whether they work or not, depends on one’s perspective and faith.


Njeri(my friend) gave me this number +254740637248 to call and told me to check the doctor’s website  and also send him an email through Since I was desperate I did as she told me.I called the doctor, who arranged a meeting and we finally met.

To cut the story short, after I visited the doctor and got the necessary treatment, my business returned to normalcy. I am now enjoying profits” 

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