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Nonini fights back against Ezekiel Mutua's defamatory statements


Hubert Nakitare, known professionally as Nonini, has legally challenged the accusations made by Ezekiel Mutua, the Chief Executive Officer of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK).

Nonini, through his legal representation, counters Mutua's claims of fiscal misconduct with a stern legal rejoinder.

The legal notice asserts, "It is obvious that you were not privy to the tenure of our client at PRISK and you are misinformed about MPAKE as our client never served at any position there." This statement is part of a broader defense against Mutua's allegations, which labeled Nonini a "fugitive" and accused him of embezzling musicians' money.

Nonini's response comes after Mutua's allegations on social media, where Mutua alleged misuse of funds by Nonini during his time at MCSK and related associations. Mutua claimed that documents Nonini shared online were "FAKE" and doctored, dating back to MPAKE's accounts from 2017 to 2019.

The advocate's letter defends Nonini's integrity and contributions to the industry: "Our client instructs us that he is not a fugitive and he was in the country for the last one month and no warrants of his arrest were issued and neither was he summoned to any police station for questioning."

Nonini's legal team has demanded action from Mutua: "That you pull down your false post regarding our client on the X app and on any other platform that the same was posted with immediate effect."

They also demanded an "unconditional apology to our client within the next 24 hours." The letter concludes with a warning of legal action should these demands be ignored.

The dispute was ignited by Nonini's allegation that of the Sh109 million collected in 2023, only Sh10.5 million was distributed to artists. Mutua highlighted MCSK's transparency in defense and cited a significant payout to a top earner as evidence against Nonini's claims.

Nonini's legal document emphasizes, "We are instructed to demand as follows," followed by a list of demands including the retraction of Mutua's statements and a public apology.

The letter also includes a reminder of Nonini's contributions to the industry, particularly his roles at KFCB and PRISK, challenging the narrative put forth by Mutua.

As Kenyans await MCSK's promised full report on the distribution, the contention between Nonini and Mutua represents a broader call for accountability within the organizations responsible for managing artists' royalties.

The outcome of this legal battle may set a precedent for how disputes of this nature are handled, with potential implications for the governance of music royalties in Kenya.


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