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Kenyans Outraged By Video Of Woman Being Thrown Out Of A Car In Broad Daylight


A video of a young woman being forcibly thrown out of a vehicle she was riding in has outraged Kenyans on  X.

In a viral undated video shared by social commentator Francis Gaitho, a man rocking short dreadlocks is seen dragging the woman from the back seat of a black Mercedes Benz registration number KCY 774K before pushing her to the ground where she falls in a loud thud.

The woman, dressed in a short black dress and sporting braids then attempts to get up but is unsuccessful - she tumbles back, falling flat by the roadside.

All this time, a male bystander is seen holding the door open for the man kicking the woman out. The vehicle then immediately drives off, leaving the bystander idly staring at the woman on the ground.

Another gentleman is seen appearing from the corner, rushing over to check on the woman who is now groaning by the roadside.

A female voice from behind the camera asks, "Huyu jamaa shida yake ni nini?"

After the video started doing rounds on X, hundreds of Kenyans expressed their opinions with many castigating the man for his apparent savagery, others calling him out for his audacious violence.

While some men threw their support behind him, saying they needed to hear both sides of the story before passing any judgement, the majority of the people faulted him for the brutal manner in which he threw the woman out, leaving her helpless and limp by a busy roadside.

"So heartbreaking! I hope girls walk away from abusive relationships and I pray these fools get caught!!! I don't care the reason, abuse should be punished!" wrote X user Miss Wendy.

Activist Wanjeri Nderu said, "Many years ago, a man I knew was thrown out of a car on Thika Rd. He was robbed and raped by homeless men who lived under the bridge near roasters. Reading some of the comments justifying this inhuman behaviour breaks my heart. Sickening!"

Another user expressed their outrage, saying, "That dude standing there just helped him open and close the door like they were together then he continued minding his business. Like this is a very normal occurrence to him?? Men are really weird creatures!"

Through the labyrinth of the comments, other people said that this was a wakeup call to parents of daughters, citing it as an example to train your girls early in life for the avoidance of such incidents.

"I'm a father of two girls. Things like this make me think very hard of the kind of women I'm raising. I'll use this video to further remind them that they not only need to get their own money, they also should never be afraid to call me whenever their boyfriend acts so disrespectfully!" X user Kelvin Karaya said.


By Kenneth Gachie

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