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Hundreds of young men and women reveal getting jobs after doing this

 Facebook went on fire last night as hundreds of men and women shared their testimony on how they were helped to secure good jobs abroad.


In a long testimony seen by this writer, Abdullahi from Mtwara said, at last, he got an invitation to move abroad for a sponsored job.


"I am very happy to state that I have been called to join a multinational organisation in South Africa Dublin City" he disclosed on a Facebook group.


Another one by the name Abigael noted that, after many years of joblessness, she has finally secured an well-paying opportunity in Canada where she will be working as a nurse.


"I am on my way to Canada - my dream count - where I have been allowed to move for professional duty. Am a nurse," she further shared on Facebook.


Others like Ken, Jobiso, Allan and Nancie also said, through the help of a powerful traditional healer and spell caster called Dr. Kiwanga, they are now working in the United States of America USA.


"Someone linked us to the traditional healer three years ago and after seeking his help, thing started working so quick,” Allan disclosed.


He encouraged other job seeking youth to check Phone Number +254769404965 for help on how to get well-paying jobs abroad.


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