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How your family can find a peace of Mind


Having a family that has never had peace is one thing that can be disturbing most, especially, when you want to prosper in life.

A family that is not together cannot and can never achieve anything tangible; and if it does, it is for a very short time.

My family (living in Johanesburg but from Tanzania) had that problem as I and my three sisters could not see eye-to-eye and this went on for a very a long time.

We were fighting over family inheritance after our parents died. I did not want to fight over anything but when I saw that all my sisters had ganged up against me, I stood my ground and stamped authority because I am a man.

We ended up in court corridors for three years and this case was a life-threatening one as my sisters were also planning to kill me if they had any slight chance.

Thank God, in that course, a long-time family friend came by and took me to a traditional healer for help and that is how I found myself in the hands of Dr. Kiwanga.

I shared with the healer about my difficulties. Told him how my family blood sisters don’t want me to inherit anything from my father - and that is how Dr. Kiwanga or Kiwanga Doctors +254 769404965 gave me a few herbs to go home and wash myself with for three weeks.

Believe this or not, since that time, my sisters loved me back and allowed me to inherit a good portion of my family wealth. They also respect me a lot and have regretted their past actions.

I really thank Dr. Kiwanga for this great help. Thank you, a lot, now that my family is living ion great peace and they all respect me a lot.

Kiwanga Doctors exercise doctor-client confidentiality; neither client’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise client/s on their own volition wishes to give a testimony!!

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