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Eldoret Woman Who Rescued Baby, Breastfed Her Says She's Had Blessings And Luck Ever Since


A kind-hearted young woman has rolled back the curtains of memories when she rescued a bundle of joy. Facebook user Yvonne Kontoz shared a Bible verse encouraging netizens always to do good deeds. What does Galatians 6:9 says? Yvonne recalled the incident that happened years back when she rescued the abandoned newborn baby. "Galatians 6:9 says: "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”  There is no act of kindness that God doesn't reward! This is me. While living in Nairobi almost five years ago, I picked up this abandoned baby thrown by the roadside beside my house. I was nursing my daughter, who was only five months old then," part of her post read.  I have never lacked, Yvonne Yvonne from Eldoret said she had compassion for the little one and could not let her remain in the painful situation. The then-23-year-old took her in and cared for her like her daughter, cleaning, clothing and breastfeeding the little one. "I did breastfeed this baby that I didn't even know alongside my daughter. She later on found another home where she was taken in for adoption. Since then, there is nothing I touch that doesn't flourish. Any door I knock on opens. I have never lacked since then.  I'm a good person. I work hard, yes, but so many great things have happened to me since my encounter with this child. I saved a life, and God is intentionally doing me good," she added 

by  John Green 

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